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Extract Transform Load (ETL) Development

Typical ETL processes collect and refine various data types and then deliver it to a warehouse such as a Redshift, Azure, or BigQuery. It makes data migration possible between multiple sources, analysis tools, and destinations making its role critical in the production of business intelligence and the execution of broader data management strategies.

ETL (Extract, Transform, Load), gives you the ability to load data from various sources to be transformed and loaded into a usable format. Data can be taken from numerous layouts and standardized into a single database, a data mart, or a data warehouse for reporting. This process helps you integrate both structured and unstructured data into one place. ETL helps businesses gain profound historical background with the use of data.

By choosing YittBox, you are choosing a team of experts who is well-versed in ETL Development. We will create a custom, supportable ETL process that is unique and specialized according to your company's specific needs. Data integration is essential, and with our expertise, we can deliver an efficient and effective solution for your business.

Informatica PowerCenter / IDQ – Developer

Use the data quality capabilities in the Developer tool to analyze the content and structure of your data and enhance the data in ways that meet your business needs.

Use the Developer tool to design and run processes to complete the following tasks:

  1. Profile data. Profiling reveals the content and structure of data. Profiling is a key step in any data project as it can identify strengths and weaknesses in data and help you define a project plan.
  2. Create scorecards to review data quality. A scorecard is a graphical representation of the quality measurements in a profile.
  3. Standardize data values. Standardize data to remove errors and inconsistencies that you find when you run a profile. You can standardize variations in punctuation, formatting, and spelling. For example, you can ensure that the city, state, and ZIP code values are consistent.
  4. Parse data. Parsing reads a field composed of multiple values and creates a field for each value according to the type of information it contains. Parsing can also add information to records. For example, you can define a parsing operation to add units of measurement to product data.
  5. Validate postal addresses. Address validation evaluates and enhances the accuracy and deliverability of postal address data. Address validation corrects errors in addresses and completes partial addresses by comparing address records against address reference data from national postal carriers. Address validation can also add postal information that speeds mail delivery and reduces mail costs.
  6. Find duplicate records. Duplicate analysis calculates the degrees of similarity between records by comparing data from one or more fields in each record. You select the fields to be analyzed, and you select the comparison strategies to apply to the data. The Developer tool enables two types of duplicate analysis: field matching, which identifies similar or duplicate records, and identity matching, which identifies similar or duplicate identities in record data.
  7. Manage exceptions. An exception is a record that contains data quality issues that you correct by hand. You can run a mapping to capture any exception record that remains in a data set after you run other data quality processes. You review and edit exception records in the Analyst tool.
  8. Create reference data tables. Informatica provides reference data that can enhance several types of data quality process, including standardization and parsing. You can create reference tables using data from profile results.
  9. Create and run data quality rules. Informatica provides rules that you can run or edit to meet your project objectives. You can create mapplets and validate them as rules in the Developer tool.
  10. Collaborate with Informatica users. The Model repository stores reference data and rules, and this repository is available to users of the Developer tool and Analyst tool. Users can collaborate on projects, and different users can take ownership of objects at different stages of a project.
  11. Export mappings to PowerCenter®. You can export and run mappings in PowerCenter. You can export mappings to PowerCenter to reuse the metadata for physical data integration or to create web services.

Informatica PowerExchange

Cost-effectively, quickly, and easily access and integrate all data with out-of-the-box, high-performance connectors.

Lower development costs

Designed for efficiency as well as speedy development and deployment of your data integration projects for faster time-to-value, Informatica PowerExchange Connectors reduce errors and minimize administrative and training expenses with their point-and-click development interface. Reduce development costs through automated metadata capture that supports rapid impact assessment and deployment as changes arise.

Enhanced data security

Access data directly, avoiding the risk of unauthorized access and accidental exposure that can occur when extracting files and transferring them to less-secure environments for integration. The easy-to-use interface preserves the value of your data by preventing common programming errors. Safeguard sensitive and confidential data and ensure legal and regulatory compliance.

Maximize ROI

Reap more value from current and future data sources and targets without additional coding. Enhance your ability to analyze and act on data for greater agility and competitive advantage, with rapid access to standards-based sources and targets. Easily expand the range of sources as your IT organization adopts new technologies.

Universal data access

High-performance, out-of-box connectivity enables your IT organization to access all enterprise data sources without having to develop custom data access programs. By accessing mission-critical operational data where it's stored and delivering it where and when it's needed, your IT organization can maximize its limited resources and the business value of its data.

Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services

With this next-generation iPaas, you can accelerate and maximize work productivity via common user experience across all platforms.

Integration Cloud, a component of Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services (IICS), is offered as an iPaaS that provides near-universal access to application data regardless of its location, format, or origin and integrates applications and application processes regardless of where they are deployed.

Using this cloud, you can drive innovation, uncover efficiencies, and redefine your business processes via integration and synchronization--- on-premises or the multi-cloud environment.

Integration Cloud provides the means to integrate and deliver DATA:
  • The correct data of the highest quality, at the right time.
  • Data to the right place, whether on-premises or in the cloud
  • Data to the right consumer, whether it is a business user or an application
  • Data in the right way, ensuring it is secure and protected

It provides you with the ability to move and migrate existing enterprise business applications to public and private cloud solutions and allows for continued co-existence with on-premises applications and systems.

It supports on-going co-existence integration needs as businesses shift some or all applications to cloud solutions over time.

Integration Cloud, which can be adopted in a modular fashion or implemented in whole based on need, helps customers manage:
  1. Data Distribution. Ensuring it is available locally to the application that consumes it.
  2. Data Propagation. Moving and processing data feeds as data sets or events.
  3. Data Services. Exposing data as a service.
  4. Event Discovery. Gleaning events from data sources.
  5. Event Processing. Reacting to events as they are discovered or take place.
  6. Data and Business Services that provide, consume and orchestrate data as it integrates applications and systems in real-time using service-based API interaction.
  7. Process Integration and Management Executing within a diverse hybrid environment and integrates loosely coupled application and business processes.

Oracle SQL / PLSQL

PL/SQL is a procedural language designed specifically to embrace SQL statements within its syntax. PL/SQL program units are compiled by the Oracle Database server and stored inside the database. And at run-time, both PL/SQL and SQL run within the same server process, bringing optimal efficiency. PL/SQL automatically inherits the robustness, security, and portability of the Oracle Database.

PL/SQL is a powerful yet straightforward database programming language. It is easy to write and read and comes packed with lots of out-of-the-box optimizations and security features.

Building and Managing PL/SQL Program Units
  1. Building with Blocks: PL/SQL is a block-structured language consisting of three sections; declaration, executable, and exception handling sections. Familiarity with blocks is critical to writing the right code that promises manageability and scalability.
  2. Controlling the Flow of Execution: It provides procedural and sequential capabilities to execute complex paths --conditional branching and iterative processing in PL/SQL.
  3. Wrap Your Code in a Neat Package: Package is the schema object which acts as the fundamental building blocks of any high-quality PL/SQL-based application by logically relating variables, constants, and exceptions.
  4. Picking Your Packages: For the encapsulation of your program logic to ensure readability and manageability over time-- Concepts and benefits of PL/SQL packages.
  5. Error Management: An exploration of error management features in PL/SQL
  6. The Data Dictionary: Make Views Work for You: Use several critical data dictionary views to analyze and manage your code

We understand that very few business types rely on a single data type or system. The need for complex and intelligent data management strategies varies for each business and organization. For ETL's accomplishment, our team considers and explores the variety of connectors you’ll need along with its portability and ease of use, whether you’ll need open-source tools for flexibility.

SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS)

Integration Services is a platform for building enterprise-level data integration and data transformations solutions. Use Integration Services to solve complex business problems by copying or downloading files, loading data warehouses, cleansing and mining data, and managing SQL Server objects and data.

Integration Services can extract and transform data from a wide variety of sources such as XML data files, flat files, and relational data sources, and then load the data into one or more destinations.

Integration Services includes a rich set of built-in tasks and transformations, graphical tools for building packages, and the Integration Services Catalog database, where you store, run, and manage packages.

You can use the graphical Integration Services tools to create solutions without writing a single line of code. You can also program the extensive Integration Services object model to create packages programmatically and code custom tasks and other package objects.

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